List code giá tốt 10/12/2024 | List 2

danh sách sản phẩm tự động hóa

List code giá tốt 10/12/2024 | List 2

List code giá tốt 10/12/2024 | List 2

Bently Nevada Vietnam

1 “100% USA
Origin” “Bently Nevada
Vietnam” “Model: 9200-06-05-01-00
Seismoprobe Transducer”

Eurotherm/Watlow Vietnam

100% UK/Poland Origin Eurotherm/Watlow Vietnam “Code: EPOWER/4PH-160A/600V/230V/XXX/XXX/XXX/XX//////////////////////////////
MODEL (EPOWER) Thyristor Model
MODULE QTY AND POWER (4PH-160A) 4 Phase Unit 160 Amps
VOLTAGE (600V) 100V to 600V
FAN SUPPLY (230V) 230 Volts AC
WARRANTY (XXX) Standard Warranty
OPTION (XX) No Options (End of Standard Code)
OPTION MODULE 1 () Default Blank
OPTION MODULE 3 () Default Blank
SOFTWARE OPTION 1 () Default Blank”

Apex Dynamics Vietnam

1 100% Taiwan Origin Apex Dynamics  Vietnam “AB180-006-S2-P0
Hộp số cho MITSUBISHI HG-SR702″
2 100% Taiwan Origin Apex Dynamics  Vietnam “PAⅡ060-010-S1
Hộp số cho MITSUBISHI HG-KR23″
3 100% Taiwan Origin Apex Dynamics  Vietnam “AT110FH-010
Hộp số cho FUJI GYG152C5-xx2″

Siemens Vietnam

1 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6ES7214-1AD23-0XB8
CPU 224 Compact unit
(224CN 214-1AD23-0XB8)”
2 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6ES7231-0HC22-0XA8
3 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6ES7151-1AA05-0AB0
Module “
4 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6ES7332-7ND02-0AB0
Module “
5 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6ES7315-2EH14-0AB0
(6ES7315 2EH14 0AB0)”
6 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6GK5788-1FC00-0AA0
7 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6XV1875-5CH50
8 “100% EU/China
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model: 6XV1875-5AH10
100% EU/Germany
Origin” “Siemens
Vietnam” “Model : SQM50-264R2G3
Note : recheck STOCK khi order”

Messko Vietnam

100% EU Origin Messko Vietnam “ZTF21-ZA1PZNN2
Temperature transmitter”

Pilz Vietnam

100% EU Origin Pilz Vietnam “Code:   773103
Description: PNOZ m1p ETH
Configurable safe small controllers”

REXROTH/Aventics Vietnam

100% EU/China
Origin” “REXROTH/Aventics
Vietnam” “PN: R901099808
Model : HED-8-OH-20/200K14
Pressure Sensor
Note : recheck STOCK khi order”


100% Italy Origin ENERDOOR  Vietnam “Item-No:  FIN7212.150B
EMI/RFI DC Filter “

Dynisco Vietnam

1″100% USA
Origin” “Dynisco
Vietnam” “Model : PT462-35MPA-6/18
Pressure Transmitter”

Miki Pulley Vietnam

100% Japan Origin Miki Pulley Vietnam”Model: SFC-050SA2

Mark-10 Vietnam

100% US  Origin Mark-10 Vietnam”Model: ES30
Test stand, hand wheel-operated, 200 lbF / 1 kN”

Crouzet Vietnam

100% Indonesia
Origin” Crouzet Vietnam “p.N : 88827185
Timer CROUZET  Timer Chronos2 MXR1 Multifunction  “

Kromschroseder Vietnam

100% EU Origin Kromschroseder Vietnam “Model: 74960657
L-module BCU570 W/Y F1
Spare part
Power module BCU 570 200/230V, 50/60Hz
for Three-point-step and ICInterface,
IC 20 or IC 40
The 8-digit part no. of the BCU570
can be seen behind the flap (where it says BCU 570)!”
2 100% EU Origin Kromschroseder Vietnam “Model: 88660191
BCU 570WC1F1U0K1-E
Burner control unit
Housing for control cabinet installation, for
controlling, igniting and monitoring
modulating forced draught burners. For
continuous operation with ionization control
or UV control using UV sensor UVD.
Intermittent operation with UV sensor UVS.
Display of the program status, unit
parameters and flame signal. Manual
operating mode. Diagnosis and adjustment
of unit parameters via optical interface
using PC software BCSoft.
Series: 570
Market: EU certified, certified for systems
up to SIL 3 (compliant with PL e)
Mains voltage: 230 V~, 50/60 Hz
Valve proving system: Yes
Capacity control: Modulating capacity
control with interface for actuator IC
Flame control: With ionization or UV signal
Electrical connection: Screw connection
Individual packaging: Yes
04 Flame control: UVD
01 Burner switch-off threshold: 5 micro A
07 Burner start-up attempts: 1
09 Restart: Max. 5 for burner in 15 min.
10 Emergency stop: With fault lock-out
12 High gas pressure protection: With fault
13 Low pressure cut-off: With fault lock-out
15 Air deficiency cut-out: With fault lock-out
19 Safety time during operation: 1 s
40 Capacity control: With IC 20
30 Fan run-up time tGV: 0 s
32 Air flow monitoring during controlled air
flow: Off; maximum capacity
33 Start-up with pre-purge: Yes (depending
on P34 Pre-purge time tPV)
34 Pre-purge time tPV: 6000 s
37 Post-purge time tPN: 6000 s
38 Air flow monitoring during post-purge:
Off; control element to maximum capacity
44 Controller enable signal delay time tRF:
0 s
61 Minimum burner on time tB: 0 s
62 Minimum pause time tBP: 0 s
63 Switch-on delay time tE: 0 s
67 Operating time in Manual mode limited
to 5 min.: Yes
77 User-defined password: —-
78 Burner application: Burner with pilot gas
80 Fieldbus communication: With address
93 Pre-ignition time tVZ: 1 s
94 1st safety time on start-up: 5 s
95 Flame proving period 1 tFS1: 2 s”
3 100% EU Origin Kromschroseder Vietnam “Model: 74960663
BCM 500S0B2/3-3
Communication interface for BCU 5xx
For connection to an automation system,
start, reset and capacity
adjustment can be controlled using the
fieldbus. The current program
status, the signal status of the inputs and
outputs (FCU/BCU) as well as
the flame signal and statistical data can be
read via the fieldbus.
Series 500
Standard communication
Fieldbus interface: Profinet
Two RJ45 sockets
Bus control: three-point step”

Tomoe Vietnam

1 100% Japan Origin Tomoe Vietnam “Part no: P-E08689A-002#-K1E00
Tension Bar “
Optional for Pos. 1100% Japan OriginTomoe Vietnam”Part no: P-D11194A-001#-DMD00
Tension Bar Nut
NOTE: We recommend replacement of Tension Bar Nut when they need to exchange Tension Bar. If Tension Bar is worn away, Tension Bar nut must be worn away as well. “
2100% Japan OriginTomoe Vietnam”Part no: P-D09232B-004#-KQD00

Wenglor Vietnam

100% EU Origin Wenglor Vietnam “OY2P303A0135
Laser Distance Sensor”

Euchner  Vietnam

100% Germany Origin Euchner  Vietnam”Article: CET3-AP-CRA-CH-50X-SA-121579 Safety Sensing
100% Germany Origin Euchner  Vietnam”Article: CET-A-BWK-50X
Order no.: 096327

Balluff Vietnam

1 100% EU/ Hungary Origin Balluff Vietnam “BOS00TN
BOS 21M-PA-PK10-S4
2100% EU/ Germany OriginBalluff Vietnam”BAM00WL
Reflectors and reflective foils (accessories)”
3100% EU/ Germany OriginBalluff Vietnam”BOD002N
BOD 24K-LPI08-S4
Distance Sensors”
4100% EU/ Germany OriginBalluff Vietnam”BOS017C
BOS 23K-PU-LH10-S4
Diffuse Sensors”
5100% EU/ China OriginBalluff Vietnam”BES01ZW
Inductive Sensors”
6100% EU/ China OriginBalluff Vietnam”BES0550
Inductive Sensors”
7100% EU/ China/Brazil OriginBalluff Vietnam”BES00P7
BES 516-324-G-E5-C-S49
Inductive Sensors”
8100% EU/ Germany OriginBalluff Vietnam”BIC0077
BIC 1I1-P2A05-M12MM-BPX0-003-M45A
Inductive couplers for signal transmission”
9100% EU/ Germany OriginBalluff Vietnam”BIC0078
BIC 2I1-P2A05-M12MF-BPX0-003-M44A
Inductive couplers for signal transmission”



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