Lưu trữ thẻ: ListCodes#27112024

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 5

danh sách sản phẩm tự động hóa

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 5 List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 5 Euchner Vietnam 100% Germany Origin Euchner Vietnam Article: MGB-L2HEB-PNC-L-122337 Order no.: 122337 j-Euchner MULTIFUNCTIONAL GATE BOX COMPLETE Euchner Project#24 <3 Hirschmann/ Belden Vietnam 100% EU Origin Hirschmann/ Belden Vietnam “Model: RSP35-08033O6ZT-TKKV9HHE2SXX.X.XX Switches Note: pls recheck before order” Posital Fraba […]

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 4

danh sách sản phẩm tự động hóa

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 4 List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 4 Leuze Vietnam 1 100%  Germany Origin Leuze Vietnam Code  :  LE46C/4P-M12 Description  : Throughbeam photoelectric sensor receiver, Operating range limit 0 … 150 m, LED, Red, 10-30VDC, PNP Light switching + PNP Dark switching, M12 4pin connector, -40 … […]

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 3

danh sách sản phẩm tự động hóa

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 3 List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 3 Kubler/ Kübler Vietnam 100% EU Origin Kubler/ Kübler Vietnam “Model: 8.5020.8344.4096 Encoders Incremental Note: 8.5820.4512.4096 is no longer produced.  j-We offer you the successor 8.5020.8344.4096. Pls. check before order” Lika Vietnam 100% EU Origin Lika Vietnam Code: I58S-H4-01024-ZCU-10-ST-RL010 LIKA […]

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 2

danh sách sản phẩm tự động hóa

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 2 List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 2 ESA Automation Vietnam 100% Italy  Origin ESA Automation Vietnam Model:  XS715SFA21000  Computer IPC BCS Italy Vietnam 1100% Italy Origin BCS Italy Vietnam”Type M748 Digital indicator” 2100% Italy OriginBCS Italy Vietnam”Type CN-150 BCS compression load cells” 3100% Italy OriginBCS Italy […]

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 1

danh sách sản phẩm tự động hóa

List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 1 List code giá tốt 27/11/2024 | List 1 Canneed Vietnam 100% China Origin Canneed Vietnam Model: Canneed-DGM-200 Digital Beverage CO2 Calculator 100% China Origin CanNeed Vietnam”Model: Canneed-Seam Sight-C Full Automatic Seam Monitor * Auto measuring and data collection, interference- free of external light source. * Configuration: 1) […]